Monday, September 26, 2011

Great Way to Start the Week

This is going to be a great day!  Have not painted in over a month, but today I will be going to a class that I enjoy and making love to the color.  I am so excited!

My friend and teacher is Susan Fryer Voigt.  You should check out her work at  I think you will really love her work.  She has just recently returned from a class in Scotland, so she should be full of cool ideas.  My paintbrush quivers just thinking about it.

Another thing that makes me quiver, but not in a good way, is the play of the Minnesota Vikings this year.  What in the world? 

I am so busy that I don't have a lot of time to get emotionally involved with football anymore, but my husband is not a happy camper.  Truly, I am glad that I have stepped away from becoming too involved in sports in recent years.  I just don't want my mood to be controlled by sports.  They have very little to do with my personal life, so I needed to let that go. 

Sure, I watch when I can, but this year?  0-3 tells me that if it is nice out, they are not worth watching.  I would rather enjoy the day outside.  Soon, it will be cold here in Minnesota, so I don't want to waste a Sunday afternoon swearing at the tv and getting angy.  I will be found outside in nature, where there is peace and beauty.

Time to go pack up the brushes and paints.  The color is calling!


  1. I feel the same way, it seems I don't whether to promote the first book, get ready for the next art show or keep writing the second book. Oh yes and also it's football season for the twins and everything else. However this morning I was reminded of the day of small beginnings so I'll rest with that. BTW I like your book cover! EW

  2. I am glad you like my book cover, EW, and I am glad to hear someone else struggles like I do between writing and painting!
