Friday, January 17, 2014

On Blogtalk Radio Anything Goes Tonight 10pm Central Please Join Me!

I am excited to be on Bennet Pomerantz's ANYTHING GOES blogtalkradio show tonight! I've had the chance to chat just a little bit back and forth with Bennet on Facebook and he seems to be every bit as crazy as I am, so it should be a good time. We'll be talking about Gastien, that crazy bohemian artist in The Gastien Series, and possibly about other things we both love, like the Beat authors.It won't surprise me if Bennet comes up with something totally unexpected, either. :)

It will start tonight, Friday January 17, at 10pm Central Time and I hope you will take time to listen in. If this time doesn't work for you, the show will be archived. 

Here is the link to join or listen:

Hope you join us!

1 comment:

  1. this was so amazing...glad i was able to listen live...kudo's Ms. Rowland!!!!
