Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Unleashing the Creative

Last night I finally got back to painting class.  It had been two months since I had picked up a paintbrush! While I am primarily a painter in my soul, I am also an indie author, and I am trying to build an income writing fiction.  It is a tough road, but not as tough as trying to make it as a painter!

July found us vacationing during 3 full weeks.  August was a month where my art teacher vacationed.  I was busy finishing the first draft of the 4th book in The Gastien Series. So, here it was - September -  and I had not painted since June. I was worried that it would seem foreign, that I wouldn't be able to switch on my painting brain. It was also the first time in a few years where I went to class at night.  After editing all morning and babysitting all afternoon, would I be too tired to create?

My fears were unfounded. What a pleasure it was to get back to creating visual art! We had a brief lesson about Josef Albers, an abstract painter who is known as The Godfather of Color.  That lesson was perfect for me.  I am interested in the energy of color and I love abstract. This brief visit into Alber's world connected me to my source of creativy. I was back in the world that feels like home, the world of painting and color.  Albers wanted to paint color for the sake of color only.  There was no subject matter, only the play of colors against each other, broken down to the simple.

Then we used colored paper to make a collage based on his style.  Mine was supposed to be shown above. However, as I blogged about earlier, I am still learning how to use my smartphone.  For some reason I can post photos on Facebook and text or email them, but not put in my blog!  Another thing I have to be shown. I will turn this into a painting someday I think.  My husband does not like this one, but I love it.

Then we began individual projects.  I am working on a new abstract which is going in a direction I had not anticipated.  If it not at all like an Albers. Will I like the finsihed product? I don't know.  Will I learn from it?  Definitely.

Yes, it was good to be back. I feel more complete once again, and my mind sees things in a fresher way.  Once again, I was reminded who I really am deep inside. "Welcome back," the color whispered.  "Welcome back."

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